Sunday, January 28, 2018

catching up, photo-shoots, & ice cream

This week was a pretty simple one. I don't have many pictures, because I had done a Media Fast for my Interpersonal Communications class. To kick the week off Courtni came to visit us for the day. We went to a Mexican Restaurant to eat dinner and it was so fun to catch up with her!

Another highlight from this week was when I went to get hot chocolate with Jenna and Autumn. I then joined their Institute class for a bit, and had decided we needed to do a photo-shoot because it was a good day for us.

On Friday, my sweet friend Morgan from Psychology bought both of us some ice cream after class. She is so cute, and it made my whole day! Plus- the Bistro we got it from in the library only sold it for $1! That sounds like a steal if you ask me:)

This weekend, we also had a Women's Conference for our stake. It was really good, and really empowered me to be a better woman and live life more fully. It also made me want to be more kind and more loving. Despite the fact that I had a melt down this weekend and felt like nothing was going right, I was so glad I had that reminder I wasn't alone. Some days really are tough, but hearing some stories from amazing women made me realize that I can make my life a positive one.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

care packages, polaroids, & provo

This week has felt like one of the longest weeks of my life. It was off to a rough start. I was really missing my family, and it was so hard to try and stay focused after spending the weekend with them. One of the things that made me feel better was opening up the cute Valentine's Day care package my mom got for me. I loved all the cute and funny things she got. It was more of a "Galentine's Day" package, since my roommates and I aren't dating anybody. I thought it was so clever, and the decorations were adorable!

Another thing that made this week better was going over to take ice cream to Autumn. Jenna and I met Autumn by going over to her birthday party in the apartment building across from us. We had no idea who she was, but we thought it would be a great way to meet friends. Little did we know we would become really close. Anyways we took her ice cream because she got her wisdom teeth out. We ended up getting distracted and taking Polaroid pictures together. After we got home, Ashlyn wanted to take some pictures as roommates since she never used her Polaroid camera yet.

Near the end of the week it started to rain a lot. But that didn't stop us from wanting to go to Provo on Friday night for dinner and a Girls Night Out. We went and got Panda Express, stopped at Target, and then got come edible Cookie Dough.

This week was off to a rocky start, but the weekend made up for it. It was so much fun to get out of Ephraim for the day and just have fun. I had the best time with my roommates and will always remember singing to the Spice Girls and exploring Provo.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

surprise visits & new goals

This week, Jenna and I have set the goal to go do Baptisms for the Dead at the Manti Temple every Tuesday. The first day was a success, but we just hope that we can continue sticking to it.

Afterwards, we went on a little journey around Manti and Ephraim. We ran to Beachin' Soda Shack to get a drink, and then just drove around to see what was around the area. We turned down a street to find the cutest little library someone created and had outside their house. Here you could donate a book, or take one you would like to read. It was such a cool idea!

Later this weekend, I surprised my family and came home. I had a three day weekend, and my original plan was to stay back and try to catch up on some homework. But I actually ended up doing everything I needed to by Saturday night. So I left my apartment at 7:30 and drove home. It was really fun to surprise them and spend the weekend with them. On Sunday I went driving with Bryn and caught up with her. It was really good to spend some Sister Time with her. I definitely took her for granted when I was living at home. She has grown up so much and I loved being able to hear about how she was doing.

On Monday we spent time as a family, and got to have our little Scarlett over for the day. She is adorable, and really makes our family feel so happy. 

This week was a bit busy, but the weekend made it all worth it. I love being able to spend anytime I can with my family, and already miss them!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

new semester, new roommates, & bonfires

This week I started my Spring Semester. I can tell this semester is going to be a lot harder than the last one, but I'm sure I can get through it. We also got two new roommates- Sarah and Jaynee. They are the cutest sisters, and I'm really excited to get to know them better. This week they invited us to join them and some others to go to a bonfire up the road. It was a huge fire and was a lot of fun! We ended up staying until about midnight and then headed home.

Later this week, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to my roommate Ash's Snapchats. She had watched a YouTube video of a deaf cat, and it made her miss her own cat so much she started crying.

After a while, Jenna and I had gone down to check on her. She was still crying, and we couldn't help but just laugh at her. We then felt like we should FaceTime Maddie so that she could see all that was going on. That ended up making all of us cry, because we missed each other so much.